Board of Director & Management
Alimin Ginting
Ir. Alimin Ginting is Commissary, he is one of prominent geothermal expert who has over 30 years extensive experience and broad knowledge in geothermal exploration and development projects. He was involved in several major geothermal exploration projects including Salak, Wayang Windu, UNSG (Sarulla) geothermal fields. Alimin specialties in Policies Government and Public Affairs and other relating business development within the geothermal industry. Alimin graduated in Geology from the University of Pajajaran, Indonesia. Furthermore, he has attended numbers of formal and informal trainings on relating geology and geothermal process, application and management. He was a chairman of the Indonesia National Geothermal Association, and as advisor to numbers of professional organizations within the geothermal industry in Indonesia.
Agus M. Soedarsa
Agus M. Soedarsa, MIEAust., PEng., is President Director of PT. Cipta Bangun Nusantara. He has over 28 years’ extensive project experience in Planning, Engineering, Construction and Project Management of Geothermal Exploration and Development Projects in Indonesia. Moreover, he is one of the Salak Unocal Geothermal pioneer‘s who was deeply involved in Geothermal Field Development Projects at Salak, Darajat, Wayang Windu and UNSG Facilities. Agus Soedarsa graduated in Civil Engineering from the Victoria University of Technology, and Diploma in Municipal Engineering from Footscray Institute of Technology, Australia. He has extensive project experience and broad knowledge in Civil Engineering Design and Construction, Infrastructure, Landslides Design and Restoration, Steam Field Development, Design and Construct Well Testing Facilities, Installation of Two Phase Steam Pipelines, Reconnaissance Study of Geothermal Fields, Drilling Site Preparation and Contract Administration. Previously, Agus Soedarsa assigned as Chevron GPO Facilities Design and Construction (FD&C) Process Advisor and E&C Team Manager to manage numbers of capital and operation projects in maintaining optimum steam generation at Salak Geothermal Facilities. Furthermore, he is senior member of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Project Management Institute and Indonesian National Geothermal Association (INAGA).
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He joined the Company from early 2000 to present with the last position as Director of Cipta Bangun Nusantara Group. He was greatly involved and as pioneers of PT. Cipta Bangun Nusantara business development that includes EPC project, design and construction of access roads and well pads, resource production facilities, infrastructure, geotechnical engineering, and managed numbers of Capital and Operations projects. Has great knowledge in managed all company operation and as well as business development officer for EPC project in Geothermal field development, O&G, residential and commercial projects, civil engineering and construction, infrastructure, pipeline and piping system, steel structures, landslides monitoring, mitigation and restoration, buildings, pipe thermal insulation. Moreover, he has broad knowledge in the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), project management processes and implementation, contract administration, and project risks assessment.
With his extensive and broad experience and capability to manage daily office operation as well as manage project team of capital and operation projects in Geothermal operation and industry, the Management of the Cipta Bangun Nusantara Company confident that with his skills and professional experience will strengthen the Board of Directors of the Company, therefore the Company will be ready to face future challenges of the Company.